Saturday, November 15, 2008

Scrooging the Holidays?

So what's up with the holiday's this season, specifically Christmas?

Do we buy presents and pretend the lingering stench of a foul economy doesn't exsist or do we retreat back to base, passing out cheap but useful items like bread and soup?

Do we adapt the ways of Scrooge? Was HE in fact, right?

It's a frightening idea to be a stickler but we have to think about our selves right?


I have always beleived that if you help others, your problems will disappear. Help others pay their bills, you bills will be taken care of. It's a bit of a stretch, but follow it to the best of your ability while keeping an eye on yourself. You definately don't want to go broke helping others, but if you give a little here and there and persuade others to do the same, we can all live this holiday season like the ones of the past.

This probably sounds like a bunch of Hippie BS, but consider it. It's ALWAYS worked for me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Disagreements

It sucks, because sometimes it just gets out of hand.

I guess that's why our parents always told us not to rough-house when we were younger. But then again, when people don't grow up, does that give them the excuse to still play rough with siblings and cousins?

Not really; there is no excuse for it.

A 27-year-old male friend just hasn't grown up yet and was rough-housing with his 22-year-old female cousin, twisting her arm and then pinning her on the tile floor. He wasn't abussive but he wasn't playful, nevertheless, it hurt her to the point where there was physical pain and emotional embarassment, as their entire family stood only a room away. Not able to move with a male twice her size on her, she kicked him...where it counts. He instantly moved and threw out a degrading title in her direction, as HE left, bitter.

Soon after, she too left and they went their separate directions.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Digital frame shows pictures from phones

I think this is awesome. We now have the option to upload our pictures from our cell phones to a digital frame. Most of us take more pictures from our cell phones anyways, so what a great feature.

This eliminats the middle man (the printer) and allows us to put a picture in a frame instantly. In essence, it is saving ink, saving trees (paper), and savign me the energy of opening the frame, trying NOT to break the glass, placing the picture in, putting the backing on and securing all the above. THAT'S GREAT! (Or I'm lazy.) It's not that I'm's jsut tedious. Well save "tedious" for another post... :o)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Smoke the stress away?

Let me begin with this: I am not a certified doctor. I'm not a medical doctor -I'm not a shrink -I'm don't have any doctoral degree. So anyone seeking professional medical advice, don't even think of asking me. Consider this an informal disclaimer. I am a doctor in the sense of a "moderator." It's a combo of farfetched and lame, but just work with me.

The idea of this blog is to stimulate conversation, discussion, and perhaps debate. I'll have topics at hand to begin a discussion and the bulk of this blog's success relys on OPINIONS mixed with a dash of FACT (or vice versa).

I always say: Go big or go home!

Medical Marijuana.
Will it help ease the stress of the patient or will it harvest more "pot shops"?
Are there other alternatives to ease the pain?
Will pot be more accessable? Do we have to increase policing if it's legalized?
Does this little green plant work better or as good as other natrual remedies? i.e. green tea, hoodia.
Do we have to worry about patients becoming addicted?

The Detroit News posted an objective article online that may help you decide:
