Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Disagreements

It sucks, because sometimes it just gets out of hand.

I guess that's why our parents always told us not to rough-house when we were younger. But then again, when people don't grow up, does that give them the excuse to still play rough with siblings and cousins?

Not really; there is no excuse for it.

A 27-year-old male friend just hasn't grown up yet and was rough-housing with his 22-year-old female cousin, twisting her arm and then pinning her on the tile floor. He wasn't abussive but he wasn't playful, nevertheless, it hurt her to the point where there was physical pain and emotional embarassment, as their entire family stood only a room away. Not able to move with a male twice her size on her, she kicked him...where it counts. He instantly moved and threw out a degrading title in her direction, as HE left, bitter.

Soon after, she too left and they went their separate directions.

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